

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NHL Concussion

The NHL had a serious concussion some time ago that was never disclosed. In spite of
all the big numbers and all the fancy gibberish thrown at the fans and the media ‘watchdogs’, the NHL is steadily digging itself into a deep hole. Refereeing is a farce (ever try to explain calls to a neophyte during a game?), several teams are in the wrong markets (no need to expand here), too many are losing money hand over fist, the USA media is tentative and highly concentrated (but admittedly getting better than it was), serious injuries are getting out of control (permanent injuries are already a reality and mortal injury an increasing probability), and on and on (I’m sure you can add to the list). And all the while Mr. Bettman is going through well prepared talking points, justifications and arguments at every opportunity as if addressing a group of eight year olds. No clear convincing answers are ever given.

I am a Canadian, properly biased and totally peeved. How is it possible that so few of the now seven NHL teams based in the best hockey country in the world usually make the annual playoffs? And yet, Canada regularly wins on the International stage (Olympics, World Cups, etc,). Oddly, Canada wins its reasonable share of events anywhere the NHL has no control and cannot influence the outcome. Why is that? Luck? A recurring fluke? And when Canadian teams do make the playoffs they usually don't get beyond the first round (ok, some exaggeration
here). I hear Mr. Bettman and his obedient disciples with their cue card answer: conspiracy theory! hogwash! Consider the following alternative answer.

It might very well have to do with a very closely monitored and micro-managed NHL by a
very few individuals at the very top who have all the discretionary powers to nudge and prod in whatever subjective direction they chose on a daily basis. In the end, it all adds up to the results we all know and see while shaking our heads in disbelief. That is why these folks love 'parity' at any cost as well as ‘leveling from the bottom’. These are actually handy dandy tools for ‘managing’ outcomes. If Canadian teams won too often the US market would falter even more and that my friend is not part of Mr. Bettman’s strategy hence, a no-no at any cost.

Similarly, is it normal to have the NHL 'disciplinary operations' answer directly to the owners and specifically a handful of NHL micro-management executives using a rule book that allows whatever interpretation that suits the immediate needs. The results are subjective decisions
objectively justified after the fact and on-ice officials who make calls and non-calls that have everyone shaking their heads in disbelief? On and off-ice decisions based on the perpetrator rather than the offense. Mr. Bettman’s contribution is even more troublesome by making statements like: “It’s a matter of perception” “It’s a hockey play”

Concussed or what?

On another front, what organization rewards its best upcoming talent by forcing them
to join the worst part of the organization? How encouraging is it for young players to strive
to be the best only to be drafted but the worst? Such is the NHL draft system. Is levelling from the bottom really a good thing? Does it make any sense? The smartest of the best young players may start playing at their full potential only 'after' they are drafted to avoid playing with
a bottom team. Maybe that's why many Europeans are now crowding the top of the draft. They haven't caught on yet. But look closely at who is making the difference on the ice: Canadian players from Quebec, Ontario and the Western major junior hockey leagues with a proportionate bias towards former French Canadian players.

Of course, all NHL executives are experts in the art of paying public lip service through their
media partners and vested interest collaborators using well rehearsed and too often repeated lines that we have all heard time and time again. This is the crux of their job. Where is the arm’s length input, the truly independent and open reviews, the even-handedness, the transparency, the answerability and so on? It all takes place behind closed doors of boardrooms where decisions are made without any significant external scrutiny. Are the owners being intimidated by their own executive management? Are the master legal beagles running the show?

How sick is that!

Maybe NHL owners and executives are so tightly wound up in big business, big media and
local government politics that they too have lost sight of what hockey is all about and effective control over what is happening. There is very little up front input from the players partnership?) and no consultation with the fans that ultimately pay for the whole thing. Where is it all going? What is the strategy going forward (as they would say it)? Only Mr. Bettman knows for sure. Or does he?

Maybe the upcoming round of contract negotiations will begin to veer towards a corrected course for the NHL professional sports entertainment business in which the players get a much higher priority and fans more attention. Hopefully the NHL and NHLPA will begin to re-balance some of this nonsense but I for one am not holding my breath.

Someone call the hockey doctor!

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